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Kiss Me Selfie

somali cat wrapped up warmly for Meet the Breeds set up

It’s a lot of work getting ready for Meet the Breeds! And our booth was pretty simple, since we couldn’t pack much because we were flying in. Some of the more local kitties who drove had humans who brought really fancy, elaborate set ups. I was hoping that doing some tricks would overcome the lack of backdrops. It was cold at Pier 92 the day before the show, when we were setting up. My human did everything she could could keep me warm, including putting a sweater on me and wrapping a blanket around the parts the sweater didn’t cover.

somali cat in sweater in ladies room at Pier 92

The only place that was warm was the ladies room! My human wanted to stay there and not leave. I think she was a little cold too.

somali cat with Valentines Day selfie props

Back at the hotel room, my human packed the smaller things I would need, like my wardrobe, and these Valentines selfie props that my breeder found for me.

somali cat in parka during Meet the Breeds set up

The morning of the event, it was in the 20s, so my human put my parka on me. I was happy to see that the cutout of my relative Vana had magically reappeared! I figured that if I was going to get my selfie done for this week, I’d better do it before the doors opened. So I took off my parka (it had warmed up in the hall), and grabbed one of the selfie props. Can you guess which one I chose?

somali cat with Kiss Me selfie prop

Of course you guessed! It’s right in the title.

Sunday Selfies with the Cat on My Head

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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