Man Hears Kitten Meowing and Rushes to Save Her from Being Trapped in Cold Storm Drain

A tortoiseshell kitten was found trapped in a storm drain, crying for help. She was cold and drenched in water.
A man was alerted to her whereabouts and rushed to save her.
Netcare 911
Last week, Shaun Paul, an Emergency Care Practitioner at Netcare 911, was driving in an area North of Durban (in South Africa), when he was flagged down by two young children, informing him about a cat that had fallen into a drain.
Shaun immediately drove to the location to investigate. As he arrived, he could hear the kitten's plea coming from the drain. "He found a small kitten meowing in distress some two meters down the storm water drain," Netcare 911 shared with Love Meow.
The kitten was all alone, cold and exhausted after desperately trying to get out but to no avail. With quick thinking, Shaun improvised with some rescue equipment in an effort to safely retrieve the kitten.
The little feline was scared but too tired to resist help, and Shaun was able to successfully pull her out unscathed.
Netcare 911
The kitty was sopping wet and cold, but she began to calm down as Shaun tried to warm her up.
"He covered the kitten in a towel to keep her warm and offered the kitty some water to try and hydrate the visibly traumatized feline," they added.
The tortie held onto her rescuer with her tiny front paws for dear life as he carried her with him to safety.
Netcare 911
After a long ordeal, the kitten was dried, fed, and fell asleep in her carrier. They made sure that she was comfortable and wrapped her up with warm blankets. For the first time in a while, she felt safe, warm and loved.
But the rescue didn't just end there.
Shaun contacted Sables Creatures, a local animal rescue, so the kitten could get the proper care she needed and a chance at a forever home.
Netcare 911
Yvonne Theocharopoulos, a volunteer of the rescue, heard about the kitten's plight and immediately stepped up to help.
"When I offered to foster her, I already knew she would be part of our home. Her minute size and sad eyes stole our hearts," Yvonne told Love meow.
Sables Creatures
The little tortie girl settled right in. After exploring around her new abode, she went up to her foster family for cuddles and pets.
They knew right away that they couldn't part with her. "Yvonne has decided to adopt her. We are so happy! She's gone to an amazing home," Dee of Sables Creatures told Love Meow.
Sables Creatures
They renamed the kitten Coco (formerly, Cosmo). "She is doing extremely well considering her age and the trauma she endured during the first three weeks of her little life," Yvonne said.
"She now has four canine and three feline siblings, and is part of a big happy family!"
Yvonne Theocharopoulos
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Related story: Man Went for a Work Break and Came Back with a Kitten on His Shoulder
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