Personal Shopper for Hire! (Or Not)
Here I am at one of my local pet stores once again! I’ve been shopping at pet stores for so long now, I think I would make a good personal shopper!
I have great taste in cat toys!
I know which cat food has the best quality for the most reasonable price! I also know which ones are worthy splurges.
Did I mention I am a cat treat expert? I know which ones will please every kitty’s palate!
Best of all, the staff at all the pet stores love me! They always enjoy working with me when I come in to shop! That’s because they know I’m a pro… and I’m cute!
But as popular as I am with the staff, I don’t let them get away with anything! I make sure they handle the goods with care, and I make sure everything is rung up properly.
So what do you think? Should I add personal shopper to my list of skills?
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