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Personal Shopper for Hire! (Or Not)

somali cat posing as personal shopper

Here I am at one of my local pet stores once again! I’ve been shopping at pet stores for so long now, I think I would make a good personal shopper!

somali cat sniffing catnip toys at pet store

I have great taste in cat toys!

somali cat in pet food section of pet store

I know which cat food has the best quality for the most reasonable price! I also know which ones are worthy splurges.

somali cat looking over cat treats

Did I mention I am a cat treat expert? I know which ones will please every kitty’s palate!

somali cat sitting on step stool at pet store

Best of all, the staff at all the pet stores love me! They always enjoy working with me when I come in to shop! That’s because they know I’m a pro… and I’m cute!

somali cat on counter of pet store during checkout

But as popular as I am with the staff, I don’t let them get away with anything! I make sure they handle the goods with care, and I make sure everything is rung up properly.

So what do you think? Should I add personal shopper to my list of skills?

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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