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Kitten Found in Corner of Barn Shows Incredible Spirit, Has Her Life Turned Around by Kindness

A tiny kitten who was found in the corner of a barn, had her life turned around by kindness.

Catsnip Etc

Last week, a Good Samaritan from Indiana arrived at her barn early in the morning when she heard what sounded like kitten cries coming from inside.

She immediately went to investigate and discovered a pint-sized kitten lying in the corner on the cold cement, screaming at the top of her lungs. The kitten was just a couple of weeks old without a mother in sight.

The kind lady looked around for the cat mom and other kittens but couldn't find any. Hoping the mother would return for the lost kitten, she gingerly placed some warm straw around the little bundle of fur, so the kitten wouldn't be against the cold floor.

She then patiently waited to see if the mom would come back to get her baby.

Catsnip Etc

A few hours passed by and there was no sign of other cats. The kind lady couldn't leave the kitten out to fend for herself, so she brought her in the house and tried to care for the feline baby the best she could.

The kitten was just skin and bones and needed to be bottle fed around the clock. The finder was struggling to get the kitten to eat, so she reached out to her local cat rescue, Catsnip Etc, and asked if they could help.

Catsnip Etc

A volunteer from the rescue quickly stepped up and offered to foster the kitten.

"When we got her, she was starving, a little dehydrated and covered in fleas. We got her to drink some kitten milk replacer and combed her for what seemed like forever to get rid of her fleas," Missy McNeal of Catsnip Etc told Love Meow.

Catsnip Etc

They named the kitten Cricket. Within minutes, the kitten settled in her cozy, warm nest covered in soft blankets, with a heating pad and a cat-sized snuggle toy.

Baby Cricket wrapped her arms around all the soft things she could lay her paws on. She nuzzled up to her faux momma and went right to sleep.

Catsnip Etc

In just a few days, Cricket has doubled her weight and tripled her energy. She is starting to show her sass and cattitude and never tires of being doted on and cuddled.

"She is doing great now, eating very well and getting around more and more every day," Missy shared with Love Meow.

Catsnip Etc

The little panther kitty was determined to be found that day at the barn as she never stopped crying for help.

10 days later, she's already blossomed into a gorgeous little kitten with a burgeoning personality.

Catsnip Etc

Cricket may be tiny but she has a mighty fighting spirit that kept her going.

Now that she has a roof over her head and a dedicated caretaker to cater to her every need, she is thriving and soaking up the love from her foster family.

Catsnip Etc

The former barn kitty is so content with her new abode that she'd fall asleep on anything around her.

Catsnip Etc

The sweet kitten still has a lot of growing to do and feline skills to hone. She is loving her new life as an indoor cat and doesn't have a worry in the world.

Catsnip Etc

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Related story: Palm-sized Kitten Found Alone in a Bush Now Has Kind Family to Help Her Thrive

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