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Kitten Found Alone Outside Blossoms into Beautiful Cat and Finds Friend for Life

A kitten who was found alone outside, has blossomed into a beautiful young cat.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

A Good Samaritan from Ontario, Canada spotted a newborn kitten crying on the sidewalk all alone. The mother cat was nowhere to be found and the kitten was in need of rescue.

Mellissa, the founder of Tiny But Mighty Kitten Rescue, immediately offered to help. She began bottle feeding the kitten around the clock and brought the tiny fur ball back from the brink.

At the time, Mellissa also had a nursing cat in her care. She hoped the cat mom would accept the new baby and provide some much-needed motherly love.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

The little neonate, Janie, was born with a fever coat, which can occur when the cat mom has a high fever or under stress during pregnancy. The true colors and markings of the coat continue to emerge as the kitten develops.

With around the clock feedings and a comfortable incubator to nap in, the little warrior kitty perked up and started to put on weight.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

Mellissa began counting the days until she could introduce the kitten to her surrogate mom.

Earlier that month, Mellissa rescued a pregnant stray and helped her give birth to a healthy litter of four. One of them named Jasmine quickly stood out with her adorable quirks and sweet nature.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

June the cat mom heard the cries of the new kitten from the room next door and eagerly wanted to find her.

"As soon as I was able to safely introduce them, June immediately accepted Janie as her own and had to lick and clean her for a good 10 minuets," Mellissa told Love Meow.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

Her own litter of kittens quickly took to the newcomer and started snuggling with her in a purr-filled cuddle puddle. Jasmine instantly connected with the new sister and took her right under her wing.

She started washing her little face, showering her with love.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

Janie gravitated towards her new feline siblings, and was especially close to Jasmine. She would nuzzle up to Jasmine and even tried to clean her ears.

Jasmine kept her little sister company and stayed by her side, while her own siblings ventured out of the nest, creating mischief around the room.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

She watched over Janie and made sure that she was never alone. Over the next few weeks, Janie learned to eat and drink like a big kitty and her legs were strong enough for her to join in the kitten fun.

Watch Janie and her journey in this cute video:

Kitten foster journey www.youtube.com

She copied everything that Jasmine did when they played together, and tried her hardest to keep up with the bigger kitties.

From the beginning, Janie and Jasmine shared an adorable bond.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

There was never a dull moment when these two were together, creating antics and scampering back and forth the place like they owned it.

Little Janie resembled a tiny baby seal when her colors and markings started to emerge.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

The sweet kitten continued to follow her sister Jasmine everywhere around the house. They gave each other baths and plenty of cuddles at nap time, and were always within eyesight of one another.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

When it came time to find their forever homes, Mellissa knew that these two best friends couldn't be separated.

"Janie and Jasmine were destined to be 'sisters' from day one," Mellissa shared with Love Meow.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

A wonderful family came across their story and fell head over heels for the bonded pair.

Last weekend, the two sisters were adopted together and moved into their forever home. The kittens, now renamed Fauna and Flora, explored their new abode and quickly settled in.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

As Janie (Fauna) grew bigger, her true colors and markings gradually surfaced in their full glory.

She has blossomed into a gorgeous tuxedo cat with the cutest little collar, ear tufts and one pink toe bean.

Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue

The two besties have been inseparable since the day they found each other. Now, they get to spend the rest of the lives together in a place they call home.


Share this story with your friends. Follow the two besties and their adventures on Instagram. Follow Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Cat Befriends Stray Kitten from Yard and Brings Him into His Home

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