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Fun at the Pet Shop

Summer accompanies her human on a pet shop run, and has lots of fun checking out the dog things and visiting with an employee.

I had an especially fun visit at the pet shop this week! It was the store that’s part of a small local chain.

Somali cat arriving at pet shop

We were the only shoppers there for most of our trip. The store employee we met was so excited to see me! She wanted to know if she could give me a treat. My human said she could (it was freeze dried chicken!). And had me give the store employee a high five first. The girl was thrilled.

Somali cat examining the dog section of pet shop

Because there were no dogs in the shop, I chose to check out the dog aisles for quite a long while.

Somali cat examining things in dog section of pet shop

There were lots of interesting smells! Way different from the cat section, which usually smells more like catnip than anything else.

somali cat with head in a horn

There were also these weird horn things! I’m not sure what dogs use them for.

somali cat in cat section of pet shop

Eventually we made our way over to the cat section since, of course, that is where we were doing our shopping!

somali cat checking out the cat food

My human picked up the cat food and litter that we came for, and it was almost time to check out.

somali cat posing for a photo for pet shop employee

But first, the shop employee wanted to take photos. Of course I posed nicely for her.

somali cat sad to be done with shopping

I had the best time on this shopping trip! And my human says we need to go to one of the other pet stores soon too. I’m so lucky we get cat food and supplies at several different stores.

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