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Outside Outtakes

Summer shares some outtakes from the past couple of times she's been outside.

You’ve got to figure that between my two outside excursions this week that there were outtakes! In fact, there were quite a few. Like the one above, where I was reaching for a treat, but it looks more like I’m trying to set up a camera for a selfie.

somali cat in the middle of sitting up for a treat

I’ve come to the conclusion that my human will never get a decent photo of me sitting up. She, however, keeps on trying.

somali cat making face while sitting on bistro chair

My human wanted me to sit in this chair politely, like a well-mannered person. You can tell what I thought of that idea.

somali cat sticking tongue out at spa pump

Whenever she can, my human tries to get a photo of me on these wooden steps because they’re picturesque. Our attempts were ruined during this outing because they’re located next to the spa pumps… which turned on just as my human was setting up the shot. I kept looking over at them and not at the camera. I may have stuck my tongue out at them just a little.

somali cat on leash, giving raspberry

Another thing my human likes to do is photograph me while I’m walking towards her. It’s a challenge for her, trying to keep me in focus. She wasn’t successful this time… and I gave her a raspberry too!

Somali cat giving raspberry

Come to think of it, the majority of these photos have me with my tongue out, don’t they?

I hope you enjoyed these outside outtakes!

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