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How to Distract Your Dog While Working from Home


While working from home certainly has many perks, many dog owners are finding it a little bit harder to adjust whether this is their beloved pet constantly asking for attention or whether they find themselves tempted to play with their dog as opposed to getting down to work. So, what are the best ways to distract your dog during the working day?

Designer Store Radley, have recently discussed this topic in their blog. They have been teamed up with the Dogs Trust since 2016 and have a range of stylish dog-related products that has seen them raise over £117,000 for the dog welfare charity and they also run regular campaigns so they certainly know a thing or two about man’s best friend.

Distract Your Dog beagle


One of the best ways to keep your dog occupied while you are working from home is with chews. Of course, many dogs will get through a regular chew in a matter of minutes, but there are ones which are a lot tougher such as bully sticks or root chews which will keep them going for the day. This can also be a good option because chews can release endorphins, reduce stress hormones and even improve their dental health in some cases.

Mealtime Challenges

Similarly, you can get dogs to slow down their eating through mealtime challenges. Perhaps the best example of this is filling up a kong with their snacks which will see them need to work to get to the food which will certainly keep them occupied, plus the challenge is good for their mind too. Another good challenge is hiding treats around the home and garden which can keep them engaged for a long time.

dog and computer

Destruction Boxes

Every dog owner knows how much man’s best friend enjoys tearing things to pieces, so creating a destruction box for them is a great way to keep them busy and will hopefully stop them from destroying any mail that arrives!

Early Morning Walks

A nice long walk in the morning before work is a nice idea because it will not only get you out the home and help to stave off cabin fever (common when working from home), but it should also tire out your dog and give them plenty of exercise.

Hopefully, this post will give you a few ideas for ways to keep your dog busy while you work from home so that you can enjoy this way of working and remain as productive as possible.

How do you Distract Your Dog while working at home?

photo credit: by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels Ayla Verschueren on Unsplash

The post How to Distract Your Dog While Working from Home appeared first on Wag The Dog UK.

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