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Broken Hearts

Dear friends,

Our hearts lay in pieces today. This is a day we knew would come, but prayed never would. We've had to say goodbye to our dear Katie.

Katie passed away peacefully in my arms on Saturday afternoon with the help of a very caring and compassionate vet who made a special trip to our home in the mountains. She let me hold and comfort Katie through everything, which was one of the hardest but most important things I've ever done.

Katie has faced many health challenges in her sweet and furry life. She's rallied and recovered time and time again. We knew her time was fragile and uncertain when she was diagnosed a few years ago with pancreatitis and IBD, diseases that can be treated, but unfortunately cannot be cured. About 10 days ago, Katie's condition deteriorated suddenly and rapidly. She spent the night at the emergency hospital and the results of her blood work were very troubling. When she was stable, I was able to bring her home. The ER vets suggested coming back for more tests in a few days. Katie has been a trooper and a fighter through so much, but after receiving compassionate and wise council from her regular vet, and listening to my own heart, I knew that any outcome would not change the course of her illnesses.

It was time to say no more.

No more Jeep rides to the vet, no more needles, no more tests or exams, no more overnights at the hospital. It was time to make her comfortable at home, where she is most happy and surrounded by love.

In the days leading up to Saturday, Katie spent most of her time snuggled up right next to me on her favorite blanket. We had many hours of quiet conversations, reflection, and girl-time that I will cherish forever. I love her to pieces and I know she loves me with the most unconditional love imaginable.

On Katie's last night with us, Waffles came up to Katie in an uncharacteristically gentle way, touched her face with his nose, and settled down next to her on the blanket. I never knew my heart could melt and break all at once.

I promise to share more about Katie sometime soon. She has shaped my life, my relationships, my career, and this blog since the moment she entered our lives nearly 15 years ago. She deserves a tribute that honors that. I just need some time to hold her memories, and her biggest fan Waffles, close to my heart.

With love and gratitude,

Katie's last portrait, taken by Gloman.

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