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Kitten with Bear Ears and Twisted Legs Cuddles Family that is Kind to Her

A kitten with twisted legs came to her foster home for a chance at a better life.

cute, kitten, twisted legs @chocolatebearcat

Early April, a kitten with twisted front legs was brought to Friends for Life Rescue Network, a rescue group in Los Angeles. "She was born with contracted ligaments and tendons in both front wrists, causing her legs to twist," Jacqueline DeAmor, founder of the rescue, told Love Meow.

Mel Lamprey and her husband Zane, foster volunteers of the rescue, stepped up to help. The tiny feline was an instant cuddle-bug and immediately sought affection from her foster parents.

They named her Quill and started her on physical therapy a few times a day to help correct her legs.

cute, kitten, bear cat @chocolatebearcat

Despite her small stature, she's such a champ at her physical therapy. "Her wrists are warmed up with a heating pad. They are then massaged and stretched to relax the tendons and ligaments in hopes of re-aligning the growing bones," Jacqueline explained.

The kitten will soon receive weekly splints to further improve her range of motion. She is completely unfazed by any challenges thrown at her, and doesn't seem to think she's any different.

highland lynx kitten, cute @chocolatebearcat

Quill adores her foster family and is an expert at getting their attention and cuddles. "She's silly, curious, sweet, and a foster daddy's girl. She has him wrapped around her tiny fingers," Mel told Love Meow.

"Foster dad always swoops in like the hero after a (physical therapy) session and cuddles her."

cute, kitten, cuddle @chocolatebearcat

The sweet ball of fur loves to play and explore. Just like other kittens, she enjoys venturing outside her comfy kitty pen.

Quill seizes every opportunity to snuggle with her foster parents. If she sees them walking by, she will call out to them with her tiny squeaks and won't take no for an answer.

(Scroll down for video)

highland lynx kitten, twisted legs @chocolatebearcat

The little love-bug spends most of her time on her foster dad's neck — her favorite "bed."

After every meal, she insists on getting some much-needed cuddles, the purrito style, before purring herself to sleep in their arms.

purrito, cute, kitten, cuddle @chocolatebearcat

Mel and Zane have an older foster named Chester, whom they nursed back to health from a rough beginning. The ginger boy immediately took to the tiny newcomer.

"He walked right up and sat next to her like they were best friends," Mel told Love Meow.

cat, kitten, cuddle @chocolatebearcat

It was an instant bond as if they knew exactly what each other needed.

Watch Quill the kitten in this cute video:

Quill the kitten www.youtube.com

Chester has taken the role as Quill's big brother, and the kitten relishes every moment with him. He keeps her clean and groomed and is attentive to her needs.

For a tiny kitty, Quill is equipped with some big mittens.

cute, kitten, paws @chocolatebearcat

She was just 12 ounces of sweetness when she came to her foster home.

Now, she's blossomed into a full-time cuddle-bug with quite the personality to match.

highland lynx kitten, bear cat @chocolatebearcat

Quill had her first Easter this weekend. She was surrounded by lots of soft things and plenty of love and cuddles from her doting family.

easter, kitten, basket @chocolatebearcat

Share this story with your friends. Follow Quill and her adventures on Instagram. Follow Friends for Life Rescue Network on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Kitten With Only 2 Legs Hops Her Way into the Perfect Home

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