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What Will 2020 Look Like for Our Blog?

Lola: Lexy, I heard Mommy talking to herself and she said our blog is going to change.

Lexy: That’s right, Lola. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and because New York is on pause, we are going to have to make some changes to the blog. 

Lola: But won’t our friends miss us? What will happen if we just stop blogging? We worked so hard to get to where we are today!

Lexy: Don’t worry, Lola. We’re not going to stop blogging altogether. We just have to change our focus a little bit and put some of our series on hold.

Lola: Oh no! But people love reading about cat cafes, and the special shelters and sanctuaries that Mommy visits! Will this ruin our blog?

No, little sister, it won’t. I think it will only make us stronger.  And it will keep Mother, and other people, safe. And you and I will get to speak a lot more like we used to in the past. It will be back to basics!

Lola: You mean like doing Selfie Sundays again? Oh, that will be fun! As long as our friends still visit us.

Lexy: Don’t worry about that, Lola. Friends are forever, no matter what. Let’s allow Mother to explain further. Take it away, Mother.

Thank you, Lexy. Yes, girls, you are right. Our blog will be changing a bit for the rest of 2020.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and because we are living in what is the current epicenter of the disease in the country (my borough of NYC has the most cases in the entire U.S.), I won’t be able to create my usual content. So, what does that mean exactly? 

I don’t know when I will be able to visit a cat café or shelter/sanctuary again. And honestly, I don’t know if I’ll be comfortable doing so any time this year. (Right now they’re predicting that we will be wearing face masks in the tri-state area for many months to come.) I had an entire series dedicated to Community Cats, TNR, caring for colonies, etc. in the works. 

I was going to interview local trappers and go out with them while they trapped and fed their colonies. I attended a TNR class and was looking forward to networking with fellow cat lovers in the class to help them out. 

I also had a list of shelters/sanctuaries I wanted to visit, including the Story Tails Reading Program at Women’s Animal Center and the Aged to Purrfection Program at Tabby’s Place. None of that can happen right now. 

The major focus of the blog over the past few years has been advocacy and rescue, and last year I won the Muse Medallion for Best Rescue/Advocacy Blog in the Cat Writers’ Annual Communications Contest. Even though that can’t be the major focus this year, I’ve decided that I’m not going to give up! Lola, Lexy and I will just switch gears a little bit. We’ll start to go “back to basics” with Lola and Lexy sharing their daily antics and their views on life. (Like in our recent “Working From Home With Cats” post.) 

And I just happen to have a big list of post ideas that I never got to. I’ll still continue to share rescue stories and hopefully be able to focus on adoptable cats who are looking for their forever homes. 

And of course, there will be product reviews. For now, I’ll focus on what I can with the plan to post at least twice a month. 

I know many of you love our cat café series, seeing the cats at Tabby's Place, and reading about other shelters I visit. Don't worry, they'll be back! Just like New York, they're only on pause for a bit. 

We hope you all remain safe and well. Thank you for continuing to visit our blog. 

Is there anything you would like to see us write about this year?

Dawn, Lola and Lexy

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