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Measuring Up

Does Summer measure up? Let's take out a tape measure and see.

A lot of you wonder how big I really am. So guess what? You are about to find out today!

somali cat and a tape measure

My human pulled out a tape measure just for today’s blog post. She also weighed me. Today I was 6.9 lbs., and I’m usually within a few ounces of that. I’ve never been more than 7 lbs.

somali cat getting measured for shoulder height

The important part of height, if you are a kitty, is from the floor to the shoulder. It was kind of difficult for my human to measure with one hand and take photos with the other, but it looks like I am about 11 inches.

somali cat being measured for length

Here is how long I am, from neck to the base of my tail: 10 inches.

somali cat getting neck measured

My neck is about 9 inches around.

somali cat getting measured around torso

My torso is about 13 inches around. My length, neck and torso measurements are the most important for clothes. Although you don’t really know the true fit until you try it on.

somali cat getting tail measured

Measuring my tail was the hardest because I couldn’t keep it still! Not counting all the fur, it is 11 inches long if it’s straight out. If you count the fluff, it is 12-1/2 inches.

somali cat getting the top of her head measured

Measuring the top of my head was hard too because I kept looking down. As you can see, it’s about 2-1/2 inches. Which is why so many hats are ill-fitting on me. Also because of the shape of my head, which is very small.

somali cat with tape measure on head

So those are my measurements! Did they surprise you? Let me know in the comments.

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