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The Gardner Was Here

The gardner came, and Summer is rather critical of his work.

So the gardner showed up yesterday. After what he did to my catnip plants, you know he is not my favorite human ever. So I had to go check on things once he left.

somali cat looking at overgrown built in planters

My inspection uncovered lots of poor work!

somali cat upset by all the weeds

Look at all these weeds! I thought he was supposed to pull them up, but he didn’t. Plus my human said I couldn’t chew on them.

somali cat surrounded by poorly done gardening job

Things are growing between the cracks too. It looks terrible!

Somali cat appalled at bad gardening job

The rose garden is overgrown too. I hope they don’t get choked by all this extra greenery.

Oh, wait! What about my nip garden?

Somali cat relieved that her nip garden is still there

What a relief — it’s still there. And there is some new growth.

somali cat is still critical of job gardner did

I’m glad he didn’t mess with it any more than he messed with some of the other areas.

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