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Cat Trick Practice Session

Summer has a cat trick practice session.

Because I don’t have a whole lot else to do these days, being stuck at home, my human decided I needed some cat trick practice! She thinks I am getting rusty. Of course, I was more than happy for a session because treats! And I’m a little bored.

somali cat giving a high five

First we started off with a few high fives. That’s always fun — I will give high fives as long as someone asks for them.

somali cat giving a paw shake

And of course I had to practice my paw shakes. It’s a skill every professional cat needs to know.

somali cat ringing a desk bell

Another standard trick is my bell ringing. The big problem is sometimes I ring it without being given the signal. And sometimes when I’m given the signal (you can see my human’s blurry hand giving it here), I don’t ring it. So I needed to refresh my memory.

somali cat waving bye-bye

Lastly, I had to practice waving bye-bye. My human says I sort of do it “half-assed” (her words, not mine!). I definitely need to work harder on this one!

My human is going to try to put together some video of my training sessions! So stay tuned.

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