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Playtime Fail

somali cat in turret, stretching

Sometimes my human worries that I don’t get enough time doing regular kitty stuff. So she decided I needed some playtime. She knew that I had been batting this cheap little Cat Dancer toy around, so she thought she’d use it to tempt me into a play session. The only thing is, I was sound asleep when she went to the turret and called for me. And I am not one of those kitties who wakes up right away. It takes me a while (just like my human!).

somali cat stretching and yawning

Like, a long while!

somali cat oblivious to playtime

It quickly became clear that I wasn’t that interested in the toy. So my human decided to try something else.

somali cat looking at purple sparkly cat toy

She pulled out this sparkly wand toy and it was a bit more interesting.

somali cat looking at sparkly cat toy

I considered playing with it for a few moments.

somali cat looking at toy with disinterest

Then I changed my mind. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll want some playtime around 11 PM. Just like a regular kitty.

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Valentine's Day for Cat Lovers

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