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Working the Cat Show

Ambassador cat working the cat show

I had a nice time working the cat show this weekend! It was a really busy week for me — I had an instructional video shoot (more on that in February), a therapy cat visit, and then the show. I was really glad this was one of the quieter shows so I could take it kind of easy. Can you tell I was ready to do my Ambassador work, though? I’ve been going to cat shows since I was four months old, so they are like second nature to me.

somali cat at her benching area at the cat show

Cat shows are awesome because my human’s day has to revolve all around me and keeping me happy! I meet lots of people and get admired and some of them already know who I am! It’s fun being a celeb-kitty.

somali cat wearing pretty pink sweater

I had some wardrobe changes over the weekend. I noticed that lots of you really liked my pink patterned sweater, so you will be happy to know I wore it! It was never so cold I that I had to wear my parka. That probably doesn’t surprise you.

somali cat wearing raspberry beret at cat show

I also wore my raspberry beret, and this time my human got some nice photos of me with it on. Unlike the other blog post.

somali cat wearing pearl necklace with rhinestone heart and tiara

I also brought my tiara and pink pearl necklace with the rhinestone heart… but I usually do!

somali cat in crazy cat lady outfit

And in case you were wondering about the bunny slippers, here they are with the proper outfit to match. For some reason I have a much easier time wearing the slippers when I’m at the show than I do at home!

somali cat wearing orange-red knit cap

On the other paw, I wish my human had left this knit cap at home.

somali cat relaxing in her enclosure

And since it was kind of a quiet show, I did get to relax as much as I wanted to.

somali cat dozing in her show enclosure

I was even able to catch up on some of the beauty sleep I lost because I was so busy this week!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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