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It's My 9th Gotcha Day! And We're Having a Comment-thon!

Hello, and Happy Friday! I am over the moon happy today! Can you guess why? Never mind, let me just tell you... I'm celebrating my 9th Gotcha Day! I can't believe that it's been nine whole years since I came home forever. 

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

I was so sick when Mommy adopted me. But she nursed me back to health and today I'm doing great! I go for acupuncture and I take Chinese herbs, which have helped me so much. 

And I have the best life! I love having my silly moments...

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

and showing people how sweet I can be. 

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

I love leisurely mornings...

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

And birdwatching from my favorite window. 

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

And of course, I love being a voice for voiceless animals. 

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

I sure have come a long way from being a dumpster kitty. To quote Lexy, I'm "vivacious, and quite the rambunctious little imp." And to quote Mommy, I'm "something else, that's for sure!" 

As always, I'm paying it forward by having a comment-thon for my Gotcha Day and I'm raising money for Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue. We became aware of AACR when our great pal Shiloh of McFluffersons Fluffy Fluffs became their spokescat. 

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

Isn't he handsome? 

AACR is a very small 501(c)3 rescue, rehab, & re-homing operation in Columbus, OH. There is only one rescuer, Miss Lynda. She has a few fosters, and Shiloh's mom helps with the Facebook page and fundraising. That's it! They do not have a shelter or staff, so 100% of all donations go directly to medical care, spay/neuter, general care, and supplies for the cats. They are an amazing help to the homeless cats in Central Ohio.

We're happy to announce that for every comment left on this post and on our Facebook page we are donating $1 to AACR! I'm so excited! 

Here are a few AACR kitties that are looking for their forever homes. 

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue
Lemar. Bug and Lemar are bonded and need a
home together. 

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue
Sweet Pea

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation directly to AACR, you can do so via pay pal to aawalkeroh@yahoo.com or lmcginni@columbus.rr.com. 

My wish is for all kitties all over the world to have the life that I have now. They all deserve it. 

Abandoned Angels Cat Rescue

Thanks for celebrating with me! Please spread the word about my comment-thon because my goal is to raise at least $100. 

Do you have a rescued cat at home? Tell us about them in the comments below. 


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