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The White Blob

Hey guys. Did you know the Red Dot has a cousin? I met him the other day…he calls himself the White Blob.

Ernie watching the white blob

I sat and watched him for a while. Then I tried to catch him.

Ernie trying to catch the white blob

Rats! I almost had him!

Ernie trying to catch the white blob

I got you this time, Blob! Ugh…close but no cigar.

Ernie watching the white blob

Hmmm…looks like White Blob is as tricky as Red Dot. I can see I’ve got my work cut out for me if I’m every gonna catch him. But I can be very patient….


The mom here…the White Blob is a result of the sun reflecting off the screen of my iPhone. I didn’t know it was creating a blob until I saw Ernie trying to catch it. He almost did, too…a couple of times. He’s pretty quick…and great entertainment.

I took a quick video. Not my best cinematographic effort because it was tough holding the phone and the camera at the same time. But it’s worth the watch. Ernie has got the moves!

from The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat! https://ift.tt/2qIb3oY

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