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Outtakes (Mostly With Tongue)

somali cat hiding her nose with her tongue

Nearly all my outtakes today feature my tongue! The one above, I’m sure, is the envy of many humans, since none of them can touch their noses with their tongues.

somali cat with rejected diva wig

You are probably wondering what that thing is at my paws, and why I am giving it a raspberry. It’s a diva wig my breeder found for me to try on. My human tried it every which way on me, and a) it was not comfortable, and b) it was heavy and slid all over my head. So it was a photo shoot fail. Except for this one outtake.

somali cat happy for treats after bath and grooming

I’m not giving my human a raspberry in this post-bath photo (although she should get one!). I’m excited because I’m getting my post-grooming treats.

therapy cat with tongue sliver at hospital

My raspberry at the hospital during my therapy cat visit was very subtle. You can just barely see it.

somali cat giving a dubious High Five

After all the previous photos, I’m sure you can understand why I look so dubious about giving my human a High Five! I hope you enjoyed today’s outtakes!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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