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10 Things to Know About Himalayan Cats

The post 10 Things to Know About Himalayan Cats by Erika Sorocco appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.

Can’t choose between a Persian and a Siamese? The Himalayan is the best of both worlds, combining the cuddliness of a Persian with the purrfect colorpoints of the Siamese!

1. The birth of the Himalayan breed

The Himalayan is the colorpoint version of the precious Persian. Created by crossing the Persian with the slinky Siamese, then breeding the offspring, the first Himalayan hit the cat world in 1931. Recognized in 1955 under the moniker Colorpoint Longhair, the Himalayan underwent a name change by the Cat Fanciers’ Association in 1957 giving him the haute title Himalayan, or Himmie. (Cute nickname, don’t you think?)

2. The voice

Less vocal than the Siamese but more vocal than the Persian, the Himalayan falls squarely between the two, sharing his opinions with his people in a melodious voice. But he does most of his “talking” with his expressive eyes.

Himalayan Cats

3. Ol’ Blue Eyes

Speaking of eyes: All Himalayans have intense blue peepers. And there’s a reason for that. Eye color is genetically linked to coat color; kitties who sport light fur and pointed markings a la the Himalayan are born to be blue eyed.

4. So many colors

Though frequently seen in cream, the Himalayan comes in a wide variety of hues ranging from lilac, tortoiseshell and seal to chocolate, flame and blue. To add to that coat of many colors is an assortment of patterns and points that give him a one-of-a-kind feel!

Himalayan Cats

5. It’s all about appearance

Dubbed “dollface” by many due to his saccharine looks, the Himalayan lives up to his appearance with a sweet-as-pie personality that will strike a chord with cat lovers across the board. Known for being charming and people-oriented like the Persian, with a splash of sass courtesy of that Siamese ancestry, the Himmie lives for laptime but is never one to pass up the opportunity to supervise you while you’re going about your daily grind.

Fun Fact
One of the most famous cats in film is none other than Mr. Jinx, the Himalayan who starred in the Ben Stiller/Robert De Niro must-see Meet the Parents.

6. Me and my shadow

The Himalayan rarely misses the chance to hang out with his peeps. He’ll follow his faves from here to there, often with a favorite toy in tow, watching his human’s movements and mewing his approval (or disapproval).

7. Leisure time

On a scale of 1 to 10, the intelligent Himalayan ranks in the mid-range. He’s not a fan of jumping or climbing, so you won’t find him counter surfing, but he does love a good catnip plush or feather teaser. And if you want to provide him with a luxe perch for reposing, he definitely won’t complain!

Himalayan Cats

8. What’s in a name?

The Himalayan’s name originates from the Himalayan rabbit — a cuddly creature who shares the same colorpoints as the feline Himalayan.

9. Body talk

The Himalayan may look like a ball of fluff, but underneath all of that soft, flowy fur is a stocky body that is solid to the touch, giving him an imposing presence that only makes him look more debonair and regal.

10. Happy at home

The Himalayan is a highly adaptable breed. That said, he isn’t a party animal, preferring a serene, quiet home. He does well with older children and adults, and he isn’t opposed to sharing a cuddle with younger children who treat him gently — or invite him to a tea party. That’s right, a tea party. Circling back to that doll-like persona, Himmies rarely refuse a good tea party or stroll in a baby carriage. In other words, they like being treated like a baby — so be ready to comply!

Read Next: Meet Bonnie and Clyde, Two “Insanely Poofy” Himalayan Siblings


The post 10 Things to Know About Himalayan Cats by Erika Sorocco appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.

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