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Thanksgiving ABC’s


Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States, and while eating delicious food and spending time with family and friends is all part of this holiday, I think it’s also important to reflect on its true meaning: a time to count one’s blessings. I keep a gratitude journal all year long. Each night before I go to bed, I list at least three things I was grateful for that day.

Gratitude is a powerful force. It shifts your mood and your thoughts from a place of lack to a place of abundance. Gratitude is all about being in the present moment, and appreciating what’s around you.

Several years ago, I started my tradition of making a “Thanksgiving ABC’s” list. Some of the items on the list repeat year after year, others are new. Here’s this year’s list:

A: Allegra

B: Books

C: Cape May, New Jersey

D: Downton Abbey. I became obsessed with the series this year, and I loved the movie.

E: Eating out – one of my great pleasures in life

F: Friends

G: Gingerbread. But not just any gingerbread, it has to be the German kind.

H: Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. I know, they’re about as hokey as things get, but to me, they’re the ultimate stress relief.

I: my independence

J: Jonathan Van Ness. I had a chance to meet him earlier this year, and he was just as lovely and positive in person as he is on the show.

K: Kindness

L: Lazy Sundays

M: Music

N: Netflix. Queer Eye, Kominsky Method, Schitt’s Creek, The Great British Baking Show are just a few of my favorites.

O: Oranges and Clementines. I’m obsessed with citrus fruit in the winter months and add them to my salads almost every day.

P: Prime, as in Amazon Prime. From fast shipping to music to movies and TV shows, I use it all the time.

Q: Queen (the band)

R: Ruby

S: Sun puddles. I think I was probably a cat in another life.

T: Torties!

U: Unscheduled time

V: Veterinarians and veterinary staff, for all they do to make cats’ lives better

W: Walking. My daily walks are exercise, meditation and sanity saver all in one for me.

X: X-mas. Even though I’m not crazy about this abbreviation of Christmas, I can never think of anything else that starts with X, and I do love Christmas!

Y: Yoga pants, aka my work wardrobe!

Z: the Zoomies – it’s what I call it when Ruby races through the house like a crazy kitten for no reason at all

What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?

The post Thanksgiving ABC’s appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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