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All That… and a Cat Show Too!

somali cat at cat show

If you saw my blog post on Monday, you know I had a big therapy cat event on Sunday! But what I haven’t mentioned yet is that I also had a cat show on Saturday! It was held by a cat club of Abyssinian and Somali cat humans.

somali cat and breed booth

My human was in charge of the Somali breed booth. Here it is all set up.

Abyssinian breed booth

The Abyssinian breed booth was a bit more elaborate. Okay, make that a lot more elaborate!

cake featuring pet me cats

I was the Somali Pet Me Cat, and there was also an Aby Pet Me Cat. The Aby’s human got a cake for the show with our photos on it. I’m not sure why she used a photo of me with a hoodie covering my ears! My human says the cake was good. I didn’t get a taste.

somali cat with tiara and pearl necklace

Even though I brought lots of wardrobe options, I mostly kept it simple. I wore my pearl necklace for a lot of the show, and sometimes my tiara.

somali cat with circus cat collar and desk bell

And of course I had my bell to ring! There weren’t a whole lot of spectators, but enough to keep me busy during a good part of the day. I had lots of fun meeting with them and getting lots of attention.

somali cat attacking skull cat toy

And look who showed up! I thought I killed him already. I had to do it all over again.

somali cat using human's hand as pillow

Even though it wasn’t a huge cat show, it still took a lot of energy, so I made sure to get in some rest. My human’s hand made a convenient pillow.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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