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My Two Favorite Parts of Traveling

somali cat traveling to Newark from LAX

I don’t understand why humans hate airports so much. They are one of my favorite parts of traveling! TSA makes humans take their pets out of their carriers to go through security. I think that’s awesome because who wants to be stuck inside a boring carrier when you can be out and about and meet people? I got lots of admiration.

When my human put me back in the carrier for the walk to the gate, she didn’t zip it all the way because I had my leash on. Well, I managed to unzip it even more and jump out! And I went trotting along like I always do. So my human let me walk with her to the gate. Yes, I got lots of people staring at me. That was part of the point. I sat on the laptop counter to wait for the plane, along with my human’s breakfast. I won’t comment on the quality of her choices.

somali cat looking at cat blog

We also spent some time visiting my pals’ cat blogs, like Cathy Keisha’s. In fact, I hear that CK’s human will stop by to meet me sometime Thursday!

somali cat in lobby of Red Roof

The only problem with flying across country is that I get stuck in the carrier for a really long, boring time. I fussed a little bit about that, but my human ignored me and watched a movie. But I will tell you, by the time we landed, and got a Lyft over to the hotel, I was ready to be out! So she finally set me free while we were waiting for the person in front of us to finish his reservation. What a relief.

somali cat on hotel bathroom counter

It only took a few minutes before we were checked in and I got to enjoy my other favorite part of traveling: the hotel room! My human always brings so much stuff to set on the counter. It’s a lot of work being her, apparently!

somali cat making happy paws in hotel room

I made myself at home immediately! My human did a bunch of stuff, like feed me, get dinner, work out, and mess around on the computer.

somali cat on hotel bed, waiting for human

I was beginning to wonder if she would ever come to bed.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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