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My Fun Day in Secaucus

somali cat on top of coat cabinet in hotel room

Most of the out of town cat people for Meet the Breeds are staying at the Red Roof in Secaucus. And that’s where we are too. My human wishes we could stay in Manhattan… but it’s expensive! She says if we were in a better income bracket, she’d splurge and we could stay somewhere like the Algonquin. But not this trip. Honestly, I don’t care, since it’s too cold for me to go anywhere cool anyhow. And I got to have fun in the hotel room!

somali cat playing with peacock feather

Cathy Keisha’s human stopped by to visit! And she brought a peacock feather for me. At first I didn’t feel like playing with it, and my human made excuses about me not being a particularly playful kitty (which is true — I think learning tricks is playing!). But after a while I decided it was something cool to mess around with. I hope CK doesn’t mind that I rubbed on her human and let her pet me lots.

somali cat surrounded by stuff to pack for Meet the Breeds

After she left, my human had to pull my Meet the Breeds stuff out of the suitcase and figure out how to fit it all in one tote bag. I helped supervise her, but I couldn’t keep an eye on her the whole time — I hope she didn’t leave anything out!

somali cat relaxing on coat cabinet

So I had a long day of fun and supervising!

Somali cat on hotel bed, sleeping after a fun day

Unlike my human, I turned in early.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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