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More Scenes From My East Coast Trip

somali cat playing with peacock feather

When I put together my blog post yesterday, a couple of photos wound up not being used. Then I found a few more that were overlooked, so I thought I would share some of them today. My human actually got quite a few photos of me playing with the peacock feather Cathy Keisha’s human gave me. This is one of the cuter ones.

somali cat in sweater checking out show enclosure during East Coast trip

Here’s one of the photos that got left out of yesterday’s blog post. I was checking out my enclosure after my human had set it up. The enclosure’s a very important part of my day, since it’s where I recharge after so much socializing!

somali cat walking on leash at Pier 92 before Meet the Breeds

Here’s another one that got passed over, but it shows me doing one of my favorite things — going for a walk, which I did after we finished setting up.

somali cat playing with small interactive toy

The peacock feather wasn’t the only toy I had to play with while I was on my trip. My human almost always brings a toy or two from home. This is one she got from a cat show a few years ago, and it’s usually in my Sleepypod Atom carrier.

somali cat looking out airplane window

And here I am, right after we landed at Los Angeles International Airport! My human always opens up my carrier once the plane reaches the gate, especially after a long flight like we had. Sometimes I get out and sit on my human’s lap, but this time I was just happy to remain in my carrier and look out the window. That’s not ice on the tarmac — it’s puddles from the rain earlier in the day. We were both glad to be home!

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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