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Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

This post is one of my favorites each week. Poetry always has been my preferred writing format. Unfortunately, like with other forms of writing, not every poem is a masterpiece. Today I find what I have written to be predictable and uninspired.

This is the photo selected by Angel Sammy and Teddy (Two Spoiled Cats) to serve as inspiration.



Dreams of Flying

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fly
To soar among the clouds like an eagle
And feel the breeze blowing through my hair.
I wonder if this diver feels like he’s flying
For those several seconds before hitting the water.
Even if I could ask him and he said, “yes,”
I’d never be brave enough to make this leap.
I know I would squeeze my eyes tightly shut,
Which would not make for a smooth entry.
Best for me to keep my feet on solid ground
And let this man enjoy his solitary flight.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 02/06/2019


If you are not a writer of poetry, but would like to give it a try for next week, visit Two Spoiled Cats (by clicking on the badge above). There you will find the inspiration photo for next week’s poetry challenge. You also will have the opportunity to read Angel Sammy’s poem, which he transmits each week from the Rainbow Bridge. It is always a masterpiece. You also can find links to poems by other bloggers in the comments.

If you have no idea where to start when it comes to writing poetry, check out the web-site: Shadow Poetry.

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday is a blog hop hosted each week by Brian. It offers us the opportunity to post for what we are thankful. Sawyer is six days seizure free. Unfortunately he does have a virus passed to him by Misty May. He sounds congested and has sneezing fits, but this is only temporary, so Dad Tom and I are not complaning.

We have a roof on the addition. It is not the final roof, which will be metal, but it is the wooden sheets to which the metal will be attached. Every itty bitty bit of progress is a cause for celebration.

Finally we are thankful and blessed for all our friends and followers. Pet bloggers are the best for all the care and thoughtfulness and support they provide.

If you’d like to be part of the Thankful Thursday blog hop, post for what you are thankful and then click on the badge below to be transported to Brian’s blog.

The post DREAMS OF FLYING appeared first on The Cat On My Head.

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