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Coconut – Ragdoll Kitten of the Month

Submitted December 19, 2018

Coconut joined our family on October 26, 2018. As is common to many kitten origin stories, she joined us in a time of grief over the passing of another beloved kitty.

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We got Liger and Yoda, two American domestic shorthair sisters, in June of 2007. They were a perfect pair, Yoda being playful and Liger being cuddly. After Liger passed away this year after a brief battle with cancer, we knew our hearts had more cat love than we could hold, and we needed another cat for our two-cat household. (I would have more if my husband would let me.)

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Coconut is a seal bi-color ragdoll. I love her little mask on her face. She has a dark spot on her chin and one back of her leg is darker than the other. We got the impression from the breeder that she had been passed over by other people due to these perceived imperfections, but we love them! She is even cuter with them than without. We have only had her a couple of months, but we can already see her darkening. We think she is beautiful now, but she will absolutely gorgeous when she’s grown.

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We chose a ragdoll because we needed someone cuddly. We were excited about the idea of a cat that would be social and not shy around kids. Coconut is the full package. She quickly acclimated to living with us. She is very purry and welcomes being picked up even when she’s relaxing – very different from any other cat I’ve ever met! She definitely does the ragdoll laying on its back in your arms thing. It makes us wonder – is she even still a cat? She prefers to be held while I’m walking around, rather than standing in one place or sitting down, just like a newborn baby.

In recent weeks she has started to like to lay with her tummy on my arm with her head resting on my elbow and her feet in the palm of my hand. She is growing so rapidly I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to hold her this way, but we both love it, so I hope it lasts forever.
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Coconut loves the dishwasher! She is fascinated whenever it opens and she comes running. We have tried to stop her, but she sneaks in behind the lower rack when it’s pulled out and we’re putting dishes away. I have to keep her from jumping into the washer and dryer as well. She loves to play in her water dish like she is a bird in a bird bath. We often find her with wet paws.

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I have two boys – ages six and three and a half. My three year old quickly learned how to pick her up and carries her all over the house. It helps that she likes being held on her back so much. They both love to play with her, dragging toys and throwing balls for her to chase. My six year old leaves his door open at night, hoping she’ll visit him while he’s sleeping. Coconut is very gentle with them, only giving squeaks to express politely that she’d like to be put down. So far, no scratches, just some nibbles. The kids know to put her down gently and walk away when she is in a “bitey” mood.

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Coconut and Yoda get along tolerably well, but four month old Coconut is sometimes a little much for eleven year old Yoda to take. We have something of a Garfield/Nermal dynamic going on. There was a lot of hissing at first, but Yoda is now fine with Coco as long as Coconut is not in kitten attack mode. We are happy to see them start to sleep near one another and for Yoda to occasionally clean Coco.

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Coconut is a delight and I look forward to many years of happy snuggling with her. My three year old is happy to have a new best friend. It is already clear that they have a special bond and that she came along at the exact right time for him. My older son dotes on her, and my boys have picked up my baby talk habit when we talk to her. My husband can’t get over how different she is from any other cat we’ve met, and brags that we called in a ringer to be the ultimate kitten. We are all overjoyed that she has joined our family.

Do you have a Ragdoll Kitten or Cat?  Consider submitting your kitty!  Ragdoll of the Week submission guidelines

Read more Ragdoll Kitten of the Month submissions.

Getting a Ragdoll Kitten? Check out our book: A Ragdoll Kitten Care Guide: Bringing Your Ragdoll Kitten Home

The post Coconut – Ragdoll Kitten of the Month appeared first on Floppycats.

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