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Binga’s Brief Adventure

tortoiseshell cat outside on leash

Look who got to go outside for a while! It has been sunny, if still cold (in California terms), so my human wanted to give Binga a chance to enjoy the back patio. Binga actually had complaints. My human wanted to put a sweater on her, but she didn’t like it on over her harness. Then when my human finally took it off and brought her outside, she complained about the cold. There is no pleasing her.

tortoiseshell cat on leash sniffing greenery

She did stop and sniff the greenery. It’s fresh and fragrant right now.

tortoiseshell cat not loving the cold.

After a few minutes she decided she had had enough. She really wasn’t happy in 50 degree weather.

tortoiseshell cat on her way somewhere

She knew right where she wanted to go.

tortoiseshell cat on leash walking

She did not pause for a moment. Even though my human wished she would have stopped for a few more photos.

tortoiseshell cat ends her brief adventure

She went right back inside to the warm house. So it was just a brief adventure for her.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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