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5 Awesome Things Cats Do For Humans

Summer lists 5 awesome things cats do for humans.

The way some people talk about cats, you’d think we are all takers and not givers. When they see a cat like me that works as a therapy animal, they consider me the exception to the rule. Every other cat — oh, they just eat and sleep and ignore everyone. Hey, it’s not true — every cat does lots of things for their humans. But do humans ever show any gratitude? Rarely, if at all! It seems like the good things kitties do are taken for granted.

Isn’t it time your everyday housecat gets some kudos for their good deeds? Here’s a list of five common things that cats do that should make humans say, “Thank you!”

  1. Cats give you massages. And we are experts at it too! Call it kneading, making biscuits, or my favorite term, “happy paws,” it’s a special massage that only cats know how to give. It’s relaxing and comforting and often accompanied by purrs (see #5).
    If you have an issue with the claws involved, well, that’s your fault for making sure they aren’t properly trimmed.
  2. We catch prey and give it to you. Even better, we often give you dead prey. Yes, we have noticed that you prefer your prey dead. We’ve seen you come home from the grocery store with dead prey already skinned and cut up. Most of us cats know you don’t have the skills to handle live prey. So we bring it to you already dead. It’s our special gift to you and contribution to the household food stores.
  3. We look out for you! We keep an eye on you to make sure you are always safe and not getting into trouble. Why do you think we freak out when you shut the bathroom door and don’t let us in? We know how dangerous it is in there — you could slip and fall and hurt yourself. Even worse, you can (and do) get wet! Who knows what that is about? In any case, you may think it’s a bit creepy that we keep watch over you. It’s not, we’re being protective and you should be flattered.
  4. We wake you up on schedule. Most humans know that cats are better than any alarm clock. We never let you oversleep. In fact, we like to get you up a little early just to make sure you’re never late. In feeding us, of course, but that also includes things like you guys going to work, or watching the sun come up. Who wants to miss the opportunity for a snack and an early morning sun puddle? Certainly not any cat, and we want to share that with you!
  5. We purr! And it’s documented by science that a cat’s purring is beneficial. It’s the right vibration to facilitate healing of bones, and it’s relaxing, thus helping with stress and managing blood pressure. And sometimes we give you massages while purring, for a whole, amazing healing package! And we don’t even ask for tips for this service.

See what I mean about the things we cats do for you humans? You’re welcome.

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See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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