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Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Each Thursday either Kitties Blue or I write a poem for Thoroughly Poetic Thursday hosted by Teddy and Angel Sammy from Two Spoiled Cats. They provide an inspiration photo to give our imaginations a boost. Below is this week’s photo and my poem.



Unanswered Questions

Is this lady in distress?
Was she banished from the castle?
Did she wash up on the shore?
Is she trying to get home?
Or did she just decide to roam?
Is there a message in that bottle?
Is she sending or receiving?
So many unanswered questions,
With no real discernable clues.
She’s dressed as an aristocrat;
Though, she’s disheveled and
Appears to be quite alone, with
No servants to attend her needs.
We cannot view her countenance
Or delve within her consciousness.
What has or will become of her
We suspect we’ll never know.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 12/05/2018

Poetry is a fun way to express yourself. If you haven’t tried it, check out the web-site, Shadow Poetry. You’ll find it interesting and most likely helpful as well. If you decide to write a poem. you can leave a link to it in a comment at Two Spoiled Cats by clicking on the badge at the left. Even if you don’t write a poem, stop by Teddy and Angel Sammy’s Thursday poet. Sammy transmits a poem each week from the Rainbow Bridge, and he is a masterful poet.

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday is a blog hop hosted each week by our friend, Brian. We all post for what we are thankful, leave that in a comment on Brian’s blog and join the hop. Most of our thankfuls are small this week.

  • Mom is happy to have all the Christmas decorating completed except the tree.
  • Mau and Cooper Murphy are grateful for Mom getting their Christmas cards to their Cat Scout pals in the mail.
  • The trusses for the addition were delivered.
  • We are especially thankful that the projected snow total for the upcoming storm has been lowered from 10 to 22 inches to six to 12 inches!
  • Finally, Mom is thankful Sawyer trusted her enough to allow her to hold and comfort him for a long time after he had the worst seizure he’s had in months.

To join the Thankful Thursday blog hop, click on Brian’s badge.



The post UNANSWERED QUESTIONS & THANKFULS appeared first on The Cat On My Head.

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