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Allegra and Ruby’s New Year’s Resolutions


I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. I set intentions for the year instead. I’ve found that it’s a more powerful way to go about making permanent changes in your life, and intentions tend to “stick” better than resolutions, at least for me. However, Allegra and Ruby have been discussing their New Year’s resolutions these last few days, and they’d like me to share their top 3 resolutions with you.

Allegra’s New Year’s Resolutions

  1. I will help Mom with her daily exercises.
  2. I will try to get to Mom’s lap before Ruby, since Ruby doesn’t let me on Mom’s lap if she gets there first.
  3. I will try not to hover over Ruby and stare at her until she wakes up when she’s sleeping in her bed in Mom’s office.

Ruby’s New Year’s Resolutions

  1. I will try to let Allegra share Mom’s lap and not get all huffy about it.
  2. I will help Mom work so she can spend less time at the computer and more time with us. You can read my full job description here.
  3. I will figure out how to get more tuna!

What New Year’s resolutions did your kitties make?

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The post Allegra and Ruby’s New Year’s Resolutions appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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