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Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe on New Year’s Eve

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Originally posted on 12/31/14

Scary Fireworks on New Year’s Eve

Like July 4th, New Year’s Eve is a big night for fireworks. And like July 5th, New Year’s Day is a big day for animal shelters because they are full of lost dogs that ran away from their homes because fireworks scared then a caused them to bolt.

Here are some tips from the Seattle Humane Society about how you can keep your dog safe and calm tonight:

Photo from www.nicklinwayvet.com.au.

Image from http://bit.ly/2GKfVBe.

Keep pets indoors. Keep your pets in a safe, enclosed room, preferably one without windows. If you’re having guests over, consider keeping pets in a room that’s off-limits to guests, with plenty of water and food.

Create a calming environment. Surround pets with their favorite toys and other familiar objects. Sometimes the smell of an article of clothing from your laundry can help comfort them. Play soothing music and keep the room as quiet as possible by closing doors, windows, and blinds.

Update identification. The biggest risk of all this New Year’s Eve is that pets will get loose and become lost. Even if a pet is secured inside, the sound of fireworks can cause extreme panic – sometimes causing them to even break through glass windows. Make sure your pets are microchipped and wearing identification tags. Call to confirm that the pet’s veterinarian and the microchip company have your current address and phone numbers.

Other Suggestions

I’ll add a few more things you can do:

Give your dog CBD oil (cannabis oil). It’s  a natural stress reliever for pets and it does NOT get them high. Just put a few drops in their food or their mouth. We’ve used it before and it definitely helped our dog. Most pet stores carry it now.

Stay home. If fireworks give your dog severe panic attacks, stay at home. Your dog looks to you for security and protection. Its reaction to fireworks will be exponentially worse if you leave it alone.

Give your dog a special treat. A bone or some other treat that takes time to consume can distract your dog from the noise.

If you have any other tips, please share them.

Happy New Year!

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The post Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe on New Year’s Eve appeared first on Seattle DogSpot.


  1. Create a calm and peaceful environment for the dog in the new year eve is a daunting task as keep engage them in some task and apply some cbd oil as pet treats is the natural stress reliver for the pets and give them some special treat so that firework noise won't distract them.

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