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Waffles and the New Years Eve Cat Kiss Attempt

WAFFLES:  Hey Boss, how about a New Years Eve kiss?

KATIE:  How about NOT.

WAFFLES:  But isn't everyone supposed to kiss when the big ball drops? 

KATIE:  We're not everyone, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Sheesh, Boss. I even got all dressed up. Are you sure–

KATIE:  It may be a new year Waffles, but the same rules apply.

Happy New Year!
It's hard to believe this will be our blog's tenth year! Over 2000 posts, 75,000 comments and hopefully even more smiles.

Thank you for welcoming our furry family into your inboxes and hearts. Your love and friendship means the world to us.

With all our love,
Glogirly, Katie, Waffles & Gloman

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