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The Top 5 Benefits of CBD Oil for Dogs

December 5, 2018

The following article is written by Grant Withers, writer for SitStay.com.


CBD oil is a supplement that can help out dogs in many different situations during which they need a boost. It is truly an amazing breakthrough in dog health science that allows dogs to experience the benefits of medical marijuana in an all natural way that is safe for a dog's consumption. Now let’s dive into the top five benefits of introducing CBD into your dog’s life.

Alleviates Arthritis Pain

Dogs are susceptible to arthritis and many dogs can experience pain to the point where walking is an immense struggle. Arthritis is often associated with the breaking down of joint tissue and the swelling of those areas. It is also a cycle that makes dogs move less, creating stiffer joints that in turn cause more pain once they try to move. CBD is not only an anti-inflammatory but can help fight the pain your dog may be experiencing, allowing them to work their joints looser. This means your dog will be able to move around and get their blood flow back to normal without any pain. 


Almost all dogs will suffer from joint pain. CBD is just one part of a multimodal treatment approach. We also would suggest grabbing some glucosamine for dogs as well as getting a top quality orthopedic dog bed. When you take a multimodal approach like this, you can see significant long-term results in the quality of life of your animal.

Helps Seizure Sufferers

Another less common but just as troubling problem that dogs may face is seizureswhich can be an extremely scary ordeal for pups and owners alike. CBD has been known to reduce both the severity of seizures as well as the amount of seizures users experience. So what does this mean? Well, your furry friend will not only have fewer seizures but the ones they do still experience will most likely be shorter and milder than before. CBD is also a naturally occurring compound derived and extracted from the hemp plant; because of this, it is a great alternative to the medications often associated with seizures which may come with harsher side effects. 

Reduces Anxiety

Dogs experience a wide array of emotions, from happiness to boredom, and one emotion in particular that can be difficult for dogs is anxiety. When dogs get anxiety they can struggle to understand why they feel this way, and this only makes the situation worse. Things like fireworks, large crowds, other dogs, owners leaving for the day, and even a change in the furniture of the house can cause a dog to experience increased levels of stress in their daily lives. One thing that can help them is CBD, as it has the ability to trigger receptors in the brain that release a chemical in the body that creates a calming feeling. Dogs and humans alike have what is referred to as the endocannabinoid system — this is where CBD works and what allows it to spread all throughout the body, letting it work its magic. 

Increases and regulates appetite

Some dogs go through periods when they are sick or hurting and this leads them to lose their appetite, but eating is incredibly important, especially during these times when dogs need to keep their strength up. Dogs need a well-balanced diet and by not eating they can have increased problems. CBD is also great for dogs who are known to pick around their food and not get their entire recommended levels of nutrients. A great product by Natural Doggie is a CBD infused Coconut oil which is great for regulating the digestive system as well. CBD plus Coconut oil will make sure your dog is not only eating what they need to but will also make sure your dog's food is getting through the body like it is meant to. Also, the high-fat content of coconut oil can really help keep weight on your dog if he or she is ailing. We love this brand and Natural Doggie also carries a  top quality Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for dogs that helps with immune and skin health. Since it is super high in omega-3s it can also help keep your dog’s mind stay sharp as they age. You can find the best salmon oil for dogs on SitStay.com


Does CBD Cure Cancer? 

There are a lot of bold claims out there. Let’s be clear that CBD oil for dogs is not a scientifically substantiated way to cure cancer but rather can help alleviate the symptoms that cancer can cause. This is a misconception that many people have but in no way does that take away from the ways CBD helps cancer patients. CBD is a great pain reducer as well as a way to help your furry friends relax during cancer-driven anxiety attacks. Along with this CBD has been alleged to reduce the bad cell growth associated with cancerous tumors. This is a huge step towards helping out dogs suffering from cancer, as tumors can be a tricky thing to deal with. 


CBD has many more benefits associated with it and these are only five that we decided were incredibly important to dogs everywhere. CBD is truly an amazing product to give to any dog and has some amazing health benefits. As with anything you introduce to your dog's diet, make sure to contact your veterinarian to make sure CBD is a good choice for your dog. If you want to learn more about CBD check out our ultimate guide that goes into a little more detail and check us out at Sitstay.com



Grant Withers

I am a writer for SitStay.com, your working dog headquarters since 1995. Since an early age, I developed a love for animals and especially dogs! I love writing about these furry little goofballs and hope to educate pet parents about anything and everything regarding their dogs.





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CBD oil is a supplement that can help out dogs in many different situations during which they need a boost. It is truly an amazing breakthrough in dog health science that allows dogs to experience the benefits of medical marijuana in an all natural way that is safe for a dog's consumption. Now let’s dive into the top five benefits of introducing CBD into your dog’s life.

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