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Was My Lizard Hunting a Fail?

Summer wonders if her lizard hunting was a fail, when her human has to catch it for her.

Look at what I caught! Okay, I didn’t totally catch it. But I did find it in the living room. I stalked this vicious lizard for hours and hours before my human even noticed that the living room had been invaded! I had cornered it by the time she came over to see “what I was up to.” It was a scary moment as she uncovered the dangerous critter. Never mind that she claims it was “cowering in a crevice.” Anyhow, she went and got her bug and lizard catcher, which is what she calls this plastic container. And she managed to coax this almost-certainly poisonous thing into it.

somali cat fascinated by lizard in container

Okay, so it wasn’t very big, and it probably wasn’t poisonous.

baby western fence lizard

My human thinks it is probably a baby western fence lizard.

somali cat with paw on plastic container with lizard in it

Anyhow, I thought I was going to keep it as a plaything or trophy or something, but my human wound up taking it outside and setting it free. My human claims I never catch anything. Which technically is right, I guess. But would she catch these things if I didn’t find them first? So what do you think, was my living room hunting excursion a fail? Or am I a mighty hunter like I look here?

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