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Caturday Outtakes

It's Caturday, and it's time for some outtakes from Summer's recent photo sessions!

This was one of those weeks where there were so many outtakes, it was hard to pick just the ones you see here. And a few of them (including the very last one) have interesting stories behind them. Honestly, there’s nothing that unique about the one above… obviously I’m reaching for a treat that my human was slow giving me.

somali cat on wall with tongue out

Remember those nice photos of me on the wall from the other day? This just shows what a difference positioning a camera makes. It was taken at the same time as the others, but I was facing the setting sun. The result was a super contrasty photo that just didn’t look that good. The original, before my human did some Photoshop magic, was also very orange. Plus I was giving a raspberry.

somali cat reaching for treat again

This photo was taken at approximately the same time as the one above it, only my human and her camera were in a different spot. I was in pretty much the same spot… and still waiting for my human to give me a treat!

somali cat rubbing on part of inversion table

For some reason, when I wasn’t supervising my human during the inversion table assembly, I was rubbing all over it. Which resulted in some really strange faces. Mine, not my human’s.

Somali cat rubbing on different part of inversion table.

This was an even more awkward pose, mainly because my fur makes me look like I’m hanging off the pole. But I was just rubbing on the inversion table. Again.

somali cat getting treat off Veuve Clicquot box

My human came up with the idea of having me put my paw on the Veuve Clicquot box. When I wouldn’t do it for her while she was holding the treat, she put it on the top of the box. That didn’t work out very well.

somali cat with litter and litter scoop

Then there’s this photo. It has a story. A few weeks ago, I did a sponsored Instagram post series for this litter company. Because I was getting paid in real, cash money (well, direct deposit cash money), they wanted approval of the posts before they went live. For some reason, they did not like this photo! But it’s litter, and I used it, and wouldn’t they want proof of how well it clumps? Oh well, another idea of my human’s shot down. She didn’t care, actually — she still got paid!

I hope you enjoyed these outtakes! If you have a favorite, let me know in the comments!

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