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My Busy, Busy Week

Summer has a very busy week - Zoom meeting, celebrations, and more!

You only saw part of my busy week — helping my human with the inversion table and the outside photo session — but a lot more went on too! So here’s a quick recap. As I think a lot of you already know, my human had a birthday on Tuesday. Her ex-boyfriend sent her these roses from Nashville.

somali cat with birthday gifts and Veuve Clicquot champagne

That evening, the guy she is currently seeing brought her favorite champagne and they had dinner delivered. And a couple she knows stopped by with some nice gifts, including this edible card (which she says is too pretty to eat), and they had a socially distanced chat in the front yard for a while.

somali cat preparing for Meowy Hour

Then on Wednesday, we were special guests on the CFA Weekly Meowy Hour meet up! My human made sure a lot of props were on hand for me, but we wound up not using any of them.

somali cat rear end on CFA Meowy Hour

The biggest problem we had was I couldn’t stay still for very long and kept walking around on the table. My human said nobody wanted to see my fluffy rear end. I disagreed with her.

somali cat standing on envelop

Later on, we got a package in the mail from the Cat Writers Association. It was our Certificates of Excellence for the annual contest!

somali cat with CWA Certificates of Excellence

This year, my human and I got five! She got three for her stories for the Fear Free Happy Homes website. I got two, one for my blog in the humor and entertainment category, and one for my post, “10 Reasons Why Cats Make Great Holiday Buddies.” The Awards ceremony is online on August 8, and we’ll find out if we won anything else then. But we are already happy that our hard work has been recognized!

It was quite a week!

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