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Last Minute Bath Day

Summer has a last minute bath day when a modeling gig comes up.

I was not expecting a cat bath! Neither was my human. But Thursday afternoon, she got a text from the photographer I’ve modeled for before. He needed some cat furniture reshoots the next day. So my human said yes, and next thing I knew… here I was!

somali cat getting a bath

I have to give her credit — in addition to setting everything up for my bath, she also managed to set up a light to at least partly offset the bright window light, and a camera tripod.

somali cat getting rinsed off

She also managed to take photos while she was bathing me without ruining the camera with her wet, soapy fingers. Oh, and get a lot of them in focus too.

somali cat getting dried off after a bath

I am actually still getting my full baths regularly during the time we are staying at home, to keep both me and my human in practice. Just not quite as often — usually every three weeks or so instead of every other week. I was almost due for another one anyway.

somali cat finishing her towel dry

In case you are wondering, there are some similarities between my baths and humans washing their hair. For example when drying off, it’s better to blot the hair with a towel. You shouldn’t rub it dry.

somali cat getting her britches dried

Getting my britches blow dried is still my favorite part of grooming.

somali cat getting treat after a bath

That and the treats I get for being so well-behaved! And the bonus is I get to have an adventure now that I’m looking my best!

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