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Stair Portraits

Summer goes outside and models for some stair portraits.

I spent some early evening time outside the other day. My human had her camera with her, as usual, and I posed for some photos on the front steps. The one above wasn’t meant to be a posed photo.

somali cat sitting on step in front of wooden door

The front door is always a good posing spot. It actually is in bad need of refinishing but until then, the wood adds character.

close up of somali cat in front of old door

Plus there were the requisite close ups.

somali cat on stairs from another angle

We hung out on the steps for a while before going to the next location. I actually like the warm steps better than the cool grass at this time of day.

somali cat on stairs by side of the house

This is one our go-to spots for photos. It’s nearly always shady, and always pretty. If you have this year’s calendar, you might recognize it from the cover shot.

beautiful close up shot of somali cat

While we were there, my human took what is arguably one of the best-ever close ups of me.

Nothing was really planned about these photos. It was just a random outing… and they all turned out really well!

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