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Stray Cat Wouldn’t Accept Help Until Woman Found Her Kittens

A stray cat refused help until her rescuer found her kittens behind some bushes.

calico, cat, kitten, mom Sparkle Cat Rescue

Late last month, Amber of Amber's Animal Advocacy spotted a hungry stray cat outside an apartment building in Burlington, North Carolina, scrounging for food. She reached out to Stephanie of Sparkle Cat Rescue and asked if they could help.

Stephanie responded right away and arrived at the scene with a humane trap. The plan was to safely catch the cat, bring her in and get her the care she needed. However, the smart calico seemed to know just how to avoid being trapped.

"She was definitely keeping an eye on me. I turned around at one point and she was standing beside my car. Before that when I was in the car, she stood on the hill behind my vehicle," Stephanie shared with Love Meow.

calico, stray, cat Sparkle Cat Rescue

The cat wouldn't accept help and seemed to have something she couldn't leave behind. After two days but to no avail, Stephanie followed the calico all the way to a place behind the bushes.

When she set the trap down in the new spot, she heard the cat make a sound. Stephanie pried into the bushes and was surprised by what she discovered.

calico, stray, cat Sparkle Cat Rescue

"We learned why (she wouldn't go in the trap). She had kittens tucked back in a corner between apartments," Stephanie added.

With help from Christina, another rescuer, they were able to get the cat mom safely in the trap and carefully scoop up the kittens from the area. The little family was then brought to the rescue and settled in a foster room.

calico, stray, cat, kittens Sparkle Cat Rescue

The cat was still very shy but started to relax a bit knowing they were safe.

Volunteers prepared an ample supply of food for the mother cat so she could eat whenever she wanted. The calico chowed down on the food, making up for lost meals.

calico, cat, kittens Sparkle Cat Rescue

"There's no telling what she went through before we got her. She's a really good mama and takes great care of them," Brittany of Sparkle Cat Rescue told Love Meow.

Watch the little family in this video:

Stray cat and her kittens www.youtube.com

"We've spent hours just sitting with her so I hope she comes around soon," Brittany added.

calico, cat, kittens Sparkle Cat Rescue

The calico has started to explore her room despite being a little shy around people. She lets volunteers help her with her kittens but supervises them closely when they handle the little ones.

The former stray is learning to trust people and starting to gain some confidence. "The most important thing is that she and her kittens are safe."

calico, cat, cute Sparkle Cat Rescue

"Here in North Carolina we've had some bizarre weather from tornados to random downpours. We're happy to have them inside and that they are safe, warm, well fed and loved," Brittany said.

The sweet cat mom loves her new, comfy nest and all the food she can feast on. She seems to know that her kittens are in good hands.

calico, cat, kittens Sparkle Cat Rescue

The feline babies are starting to open their eyes. Soon, they will be ready to waddle and explore their playpen.

The family of four will never have to live another day on the street.

kittens, cute Sparkle Cat Rescue

The smart calico guided the rescuers to her kittens, and now she and her babies are thriving in foster care.

calico, cat, cute Sparkle Cat Rescue

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on the little family and Sparkle Cat Rescue on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Stray Cat Befriends a Couple and Decides to Bring Her Kitten to Them

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