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My Shopping Trip – With Video!

Summer has a short shopping trip - and there's video!

My human tries to take me somewhere at least once a week, while we are mostly stuck at home. Usually it’s a pet store. A few days ago, I got to go to our local small shop a few blocks from us. I was so happy to go!

somali cat on leash at pet shop

It was great getting out. The only downside was my human wouldn’t let me bury my face in the catnip toys. She said that was not a good idea right now. So I mostly had to just look at things.

somali cat getting a turkey tendon

But I did get a bonus! If you recall my post from a couple of days ago, I was enjoying a turkey tendon. Well, this is where I got them! The pet shop owner was opening them up when we were checking out and he gave us a few for free.

somali cat reaching for turkey tendon

I love these! And guess what — there is a whole video of my trip! In fact, all the photos today were screen grabs from my little 3-minute movie. You can see the whole video below.

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