My Chair is NOT Your Chair
KATIE: What.
KATIE: What are you doing in my chair, Waffles?
WAFFLES: Since when is my chair your chair, Boss.
KATIE: Since forever.
WAFFLES: Forever is a really long time, Boss. Are you sure it's not since like yesterday?
KATIE: Forever or just yesterday, you're still sitting in my chair.
About Today's Photos
Those of you who've been with us from the beginning, or even just a few years for that matter, know all too well that Waffles and Katie's relationship is somewhat complicated. Katie still longs for the days when she was an only cat. Waffles, on the other hand, wants nothing more than to be Katie's BFF.
They're definitely not the kind of cat buddies that snuggle together, grooming one another though. That's just never going to happen.
So when Gloman and Glogirly discovered them sitting TOGETHER in the SAME chair, they ran for their cameras and started shooting. Because if there wasn't any photographic proof, it never happened.
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