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iPhone Photos I Completely Forgot About

Summer shares some cool iPhone photos that never got used in her blog.

Can you believe that my human takes some photos of me that wind up sitting around on her iPhone, idle? Not just bad ones either (those she just deletes). There are some goodies. So I thought I’d share a few with you today. The first one is me looking around the corner from the back patio at… something. I don’t remember what, but I think my ears say it all.

somali cat birdie watching outside

I do remember what I was looking at here — birdies! They were putting on quite a show.

somali cat hovering over human on the couch

When my human is kicked back on the sofa, I often take a spot on the high arm rest over her head. If the lighting is just right, she might take a photo, like she did here. That is, when I’m not busy putting my paws on her head and trying to lick her hair.

somali cat on arm rest, looking at human

This photo probably happened right after my human made me stop messing with her hair. I’m guessing about the timing by the look of annoyance on my face.

somali cat relaxing on living room rug

In case you haven’t noticed, my human is a nut when it comes to lighting. And at this time of year, the late afternoon sun, not only makes for good sun puddles, it also creates some interesting play between light and shadow. I was catching some rays when she took this photo.

somali cat on rug, yawning

I must have been dozing while she was shooting, because she got this one of me yawning too.

I hope you enjoyed these iPhone photos, and the stories behind them!

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