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I’ll Get You!

Summer tells her Rompicatz cat toy I'll get you!

I always say, “Work hard, play hard!” And that is how this week went. I finished it up by playing with my Rompicatz Rustlin’ Butterfly Teaser. You might recall I had a giveaway a few weeks ago. My human wanted to get some shots of me with it when I announced the winner, but she couldn’t find it. It turned out it was hiding in plain sight… so I got a play session with it.

somali cat eyeing cat toy with determination

This Teaser is far and away my favorite toy of the three I tried out, and I’m glad my human found it! I was more than ready to attack it.

somali cat giving chase to rompicatz toy

I love chasing after it, and it moves and glistens in the sunlight.

somali cat going cross eyed while playing with cat toy

My play sessions in the turret always wind up the same way — with me reaching out like this trying to snatch the toy. If I am having an especially good time, I go cross eyed!

somali cat going in for the kill with her Rompicatz cat toy

It looked like, once again, I was going to succeed in going in for the kill!

cat toy lands on cat's face

Then it pulled an illegal move! Don’t worry — even though it looks like it won this round, I beat it in the end!

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