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Cat Mom's Day Quarantine

KATIE:  How come you're not wearing your mask on Glogirly's t-shirt, Waffles?

WAFFLES:  How come you ARE wearing a mask on her t-shirt, Boss?

KATIE:  Well at least I'm not playing with it like a cat toy. What if Glogirly did that with her mask when she went to the grocery store?

WAFFLES:  Yeah, but it's way more fun to play with her mask than it is to wear it.

KATIE:  That's not the point, Waffles.

WAFFLES:  Since when is having fun not the point?

KATIE:  Since when? Since you dragged her mask into the litter box with you.

WAFFLES:  Is that wrong? 

KATIE:  Help me, Glogirly. Please.

Happy Cat Mom's Day!

Glogirly's new custom t-shirt arrived just in time for Mother's Day. It's not often she buys something she found on Facebook, but when she clicked on this t-shirt and found it could be purr-sonalized, she decided to give it a whirl. When she realized the orange cat was flinging his mask up in the air, she HAD to have it.

We're sending our deepest love and gratitude to all the moms out there. Glogirly carries her love for her mom in her heart each and every day. ðŸ’•

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