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Allegra’s World: What’s in a Name?


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Mom has been working really hard and I thought I’d give her a break by taking care of today’s post.

I know a lot of you have been asking about me and how I’m doing without my sister. Just like Mom, I’m adjusting to life without our girl, and I’m trying to take care of Mom as best as I can. But today, I want to talk about my name! You wouldn’t believe how many people think I’m named after the allergy medication. Seriously? Do you really think Mom would have named me after a drug?

I was actually named by my foster mom, and since Mom thought it suited me purrfectly, she never changed it. “Allegro” is a musical term that is used for a lively, fast-paced movement. She thought it fit my exuberant spirit well, and that’s why she kept it.

But Mom being Mom, she also has a whole bunch of other names for me. For a while when I first came to live here, I thought my name was Allegrano. I will admit I had a propensity to get myself in trouble back then

Mom also calls me Allie, Allie Bellie, Legra Degra, and Allegra Bellina. Don’t those all sound really pretty? She also calls me Mousie, which I take exception to. I mean, really?  Mousie? But she says it with such love in her voice, I can’t be mad at  her.

Do you have nicknames for your kitties?

The post Allegra’s World: What’s in a Name? appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

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