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Natural Treatment for Cushing’s Disease In Dogs

Your beloved dog is also susceptible to dangerous and fatal diseases that should not be ignored. Even if your pet does not succumb to these diseases, it might severely impair their quality of life.

One of the conditions that older dogs usually develop is Cushing’s disease or hyperadrenocorticism. It stems from a benign tumor, typically located in the pituitary gland, which maintains the body’s endocrine system and produces different hormones.

One of the hormones, cortisol, becomes overproduced by the glands due to the presence of the tumor. Cortisol is a natural steroid, helping to reduce levels of stress and keep blood pressure normal. It is also referred to as the “fight or flight” hormone that acts as an immune system suppressor and lowers pain and inflammation.

Sick Dog with medicament's

More than that, it affects other bodily functions like the production of glucose, immune function, metabolism of fat, and electrolyte balance. However, when levels of this hormone go up, it can lead to various health consequences.

There are standard or traditional ways to treat Cushing’s disease in dogs. However, this requires powerful medication that has a high chance of serious side effects. In fact, pets that suffer from kidney or liver disease, which is common in older dogs, are not allowed to take this strong medication. Thankfully, there are natural options available for dog-owners who want to avoid these side effects.

golden retriever in purple flowers

This article will discuss Cushing’s disease in more detail before introducing alternative and natural treatment options for dogs who are suffering from this disease.

Causes Of Cushing’s Disease

  • Tumor in the Pituitary Gland

Almost all of the cases (around 85% to be precise) can be traced to a pituitary gland tumor. Though it is usually small, it still leads the gland to overproduce adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and thus leading to excess production of cortisol as well.

  • Tumor in the Adrenal Gland

A tumor may also be found in this gland and may lead to the same overproduction of cortisol.

Dog with Tumor in the Pituitary and Adrenal Gland
  • Cortisone Medication

Synthetic cortisone is sometimes prescribed to treat pain, allergies, or inflammation. However, it should not be taken over a period, especially in high doses. Doing so might cause your dog to develop Cushing’s disease.

  • Chronic Stress

Your dog might not speak or indicate so, but it can also experience chronic stress. In response, the adrenal glands will try to regulate this by increasing production of cortisol. What is dangerous is that this response will occur whether your pet has good or bad stress. This means, being over excited about playing might also be dangerous to your pooch’s health. But take note that it is chronic or prolonged stress, not stress for a few minutes, that may lead to Cushing’s disease.

women hugging a stressed dog
  • Other Tumors

The presence of tumors in other organs like the thyroid gland, thymus gland, pancreas or even in the lungs may also stimulate the body’s overproduction of ACTH production and may even lead to Cushing’s disease.

How to Know Your Dog Has Cushing’s Disease

Many dog owners do not connect the dots to identify the symptoms of Cushing’s disease. This is because their pet’s advanced age might also cause these same symptoms, especially if they have other conditions.

Dogs that are suffering from this disease have a pot-bellied appearance with loss of hair on the sides. They may also show signs of extreme hunger and thirst. Some owners even notice a “tragic” look on their faces. They may also be more tired and weaker than normal, and therefore their owners might observe that they are not as active as other dogs. They may also pant more than normal.

Dog with Cushing disease

The disease causes their immune system to become much weaker. Therefore they may experience more infections or cancers. They may also develop some skin infections.

Other signs that have been observed include increased frequency of urination and inability to sleep through the night. Dog owners also report their pets to seem more agitated than normal.

Of course, much like with other diseases, your pooch might not have all of the symptoms listed above. They may only have a couple or even none of these signs. Your pet might just show general signs of sickness, and the vet will be the one to conduct tests to identify the cause.

tired corgi lying on the sofa

There is no test that will diagnose Cushing’s disease, so the vet will have to start by testing the blood and pee of your pet. They may find high cholesterol, urinary tract infection, diluted urine, and live proteins. If Cushing’s is suspected, a hormone test may be conducted next. An ACTH test will look at the adrenal gland’s reaction to the hormone.

Another test, the low dose dexamethasone suppression (LDDS) test will check how the dog’s body’s response to a man-made version of the hormone cortisol. The next step is to do an ultrasound of the belly to check if there are tumors on the adrenal glands. These results will greatly influence the treatment approach for your beloved pooch.

Overview of Traditional Treatments

Of course, the treatment approach will depend on the cause of the disease, specifically if it is because of a tumor. The location of the tumor will determine greatly what approaches vet will suggest.

Surgery will be suggested by the vet if the tumor is in the adrenal glands but is not spreading. However, one of the most common symptoms of Cushing’s disease is delayed healing of wounds, so the vet might prescribe medication before surgery to counteract this.

Vet Giving Injections to Dog

Because older dogs are commonly contracting Cushing’s disease, they may not anymore be in the right shape to survive surgery, which is why many opt for medication. With such medication, dogs whose tumors are not growing or spreading may control the disease and normally live for many more years. A good example is synthetic steroids that lower the body’s cortisol production.

The last approach is radiation, to try to shrink macroadenomas in the pituitary gland, relieving their symptoms and the brain.

Natural Treatment for Cushing’s Disease

Nowadays, more and more dog owners prefer not to use these traditional treatments on their beloved pets. Besides the cost, another factor for consideration is the strong medication and its possible side effects. Thankfully, there are more and more holistic veterinarians who may offer different or alternative treatment approaches.

  • Feed Your Dog Right

puppy eat raw food from green feeder

As with humans, diet may have a profound influence on the health of your dog. Commercial foods, while handy, actually contain a lot of other things that may not be optimal for your pet’s health. Simply put, there are grains, fillers, and other additives that your pooch does not need but may be hazardous to its health. A basic change to a raw diet or a grain and potato-free, high protein one (may also be found in some canned foods) may already improve your dog’s overall health.

Some swear by a raw diet consisting of raw meat and vegetables. All grains should be removed to reduce the carbohydrates in the diet, and this includes treats.

Beyond that, three ingredients are believed to be very beneficial to dogs with Cushing’s disease.

The first is Milk thistle, which is a European medicinal plant. This plant has silymarin that is mainly used by vets for dogs that have liver disease. It is recommended due to its antioxidant capability and its ability to aid bile flow through the liver. A daily dose of 10 mg per pound of body weight is recommended. Milk thistle may be found in local drug stores.

milk thistle plants and seeds

The second, fish oil, is quite the all-rounder when it comes to treating diseases. Fish oil directly affects the skin and the fats or lipids circulating the blood. More than that, it will help your pet fight infections.

 The third is a combination of herbs from Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). This blend is specifically called Ophiopogon Formula. It reduces the symptoms of Cushing’s disease, among a long list of others.

  • Opt For Homeopathy

Homeopathic ingredients can also be purchased as an alternative to Western medication. For Cushing’s disease, Cushex drops are known to be the best. This natural remedy will return adrenal function to normal, as well as balance levels of corticosteroid.

Herbal and homeopathic ingredients may also be blended to enjoy various other benefits. For example, they can work in reducing the thirst and excessive urination. They may also promote skin health and strength.

Image of PetAlive Cushex Drops

Other homeopathic remedies may normalize the levels of cortisol that your dog’s body produces or even treat the various symptoms associated with Cushing’s disease. Dandelion, for example, is a perfect tonic for your liver and kidneys, while reducing inflammation. You may also benefit from the vitamins and minerals that may even be vital for hair growth.

Healthy Herbs for dogs

Burdock, on the other hand, is a cleansing herb that at the same time detoxifies dog tissues and removes unwanted substances from its body. It is also quite popular as a way to prevent diabetes, as it keeps the blood sugar levels quite balanced. Arsenicum handles excessive thirst and urination.

Another homeopathic remedy is Hepar Sulph, which handles wounds and irritated skin easily. It is also a great help for treating any infection. Similarly, astralagus will strengthen the immune system but also promotes balance in the adrenal glands. It also is great for blood pressure and blood sugar stabilization.

Mercurius is taken when there are problems with thirst or irritability. More than that, it can heal bladder infections and cases of diarrhea. Lastly, sulfur also reduces thirst, but it also has a wider-reaching benefit of making skin better and supporting digestion.

shiny mercury (Hg) metal drops
  • Pick Up Some Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbs in jars

The Chinese have a special cure for Cushing’s disease, specifically one herbal formula called Si Miao San. It works to relieve any inflammation in the body. It will also aid in better digestion and regulating levels of insulin. Si Miao San is most helpful for dogs that are always too hot, always panting and are overweight. On the other hand, dogs that are weaker and thinner might not see as much improvement when taking this herb. There are, however, other options for them to choose from.

  • Go for Acupuncture

dog on acupuncture treatment

This treatment is surprisingly very helpful for dogs that have Cushing’s disease. Acupuncture has a lot of success in normalizing the endocrine system and reducing any inflammation. A session every two months will be enough as part of a maintenance program for pets that have been stabilized already.

  • Ginkgo Biloba

This ingredient can support the treatment of Cushing’s disease because it slows down adrenal hormone release.

ginkgo biloba leaves and fruits

Maintaining Cushing’s Disease

Unfortunately, this condition is something that has to be managed for the rest of your dog’s life. It will require a huge change in diet and continuous monitoring of any changes in your pet’s well-being. Any adverse reaction to medicines or herbs should be addressed immediately to keep your beloved pooch healthy and safe. Even a lack of energy or overall lethargy might be a sign of a reaction. If your dog is not eating but has vomit and diarrhea, then you should call your veterinarian immediately.

You should also be very careful in introducing new treatments, especially natural ones that may not be agreed upon by the veterinarian first. There are cases of herbal medication reacting to chemical based ones, so watch out before mixing them all.

sick dog lying on the floor

Your care and attention are crucial in your dog’s continuous good health. If not treated, the disease will become worse and end up with infections, problems with some organs and much more. But if you religiously find the best way to keep your pet’s health in tip top shape, you may already see a huge difference in your dog’s life in as little as 4 to 6 months. The lost hair will even grow back, albeit longer. If the disease is already under control, you can expect your dog to retain its strength and liveliness. However, be prepared that your beloved pooch will no longer live beyond a decade, also because they are already old.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Cushing’s disease, for it is simply managed. Still, you can make a huge difference in improving the quality of life of your best friend.

Sources and References:

The post Natural Treatment for Cushing’s Disease In Dogs appeared first on Woof Dog.

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