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I’m Just Browsing

somali cat at pet store

Can you guess where I am! Of course you can — I’m at the big chain pet store with my human! We were almost out of cat food, so she needed to make a run, and of course I came along.

somali cat browsing through cat beds at pet store

I love browsing through everything at the pet store, even though my human hardly ever buys anything other than what she came for. (She’s even that way at Target, and I hear that’s a rarity!) So I was ready, in case any employee asked, to say I was just looking!

somali cat on cat condo, checking out the view

I do wish I could get one of these cat condos, though! Even though my human says there isn’t any room for more cat furniture right now.

somali cat checking out burlap nip pillow

And yes, I do have way too many cat toys at home, but it’s still fun to whiff the toys at the store.

somali cat looking at puffy pink jacket

There was one unplanned purchase — this puffy pink jacket. But my human always has her eye out for clothes for me when we shop together. You’ll be seeing more of this soon.

somali cat at pet store checkout counter, getting skirtches

I got some skritches when it was time to check out.

somali cat in car, after finishing shopping

I want to go back and browse some more!

* * *

Check out my Valentine’s Day Collection on Zazzle!

Valentine's Day for Cat Lovers

See all of Summer’s merch at her her Zazzle Designercat Shop

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