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CSI, Kitty Style

It's CSI, kitty style as Summer discovers a crime that has been committed in her front yard, and she investigates.

When I was outside doing sit-up practice the other day, I didn’t even tell you what I found!

somali cat finds a crime scene

It was horrifying!

somali cat horrified by scene of bird murder

Somebody murdered a birdie right in my front yard! There was nothing left but feathers. I couldn’t believe it. I thought you were just supposed to look at birdies, because that’s what I do when I’m outside. But some nefarious critter killed one of them instead. My human thinks it was a dove, judging from the couple of longer feathers that were left.

somali cat searches for bird killer

I decided I was going to investigate! It is kind of scary when there is a killer on the loose, but I felt like I was up to the job.

somali cat sniffing around for evidence

Right away, I started sniffing around for evidence.

somali cat considering suspects who might have done crime

My investigation resulted in a whole list of suspects, from the bobcat my human saw the other day to the mean cat who lives across the street and who used to pester Binga through the window. Any number of cats and other critters could have been the cold-blooded killer.

somali cat considering the dangers of life in the big city

It may take a while to bring the perp to justice. In the meantime, my human said I needed to come inside and to stay away from those birdie feathers.

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Check out my Valentine’s Day Collection on Zazzle!

Valentine's Day for Cat Lovers

See all of Summer’s merch at her her Zazzle Designercat Shop

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