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It’s National Cat Day… What Shall I Wear?

It's National Cat Day, and Summer is wonder what she should wear to all the glamorous parties.

It’s National Cat Day, and I feel so unprepared! I’m sure there are going to be a bunch of fancy-dress parties tonight, and I have no idea what to wear.

somali cat in fancy dress

Maybe I should wear this dress. I’ve only worn it a couple of times, and it’s probably my most stylish. It’s almost like new, right?

somali cat in pink fashion boa and heart-shaped sunglasses

Or maybe I should go all-out diva in my boa and sunglasses.

somali cat wearing pearl and rhinestone cat necklace

Maybe I should go simple and just wear a necklace. My pink pearl one with the rhinestone cat charm would totally work!

somali cat wearing pearl necklace and a tiara

Or maybe that’s too simple… should I add my tiara?

somali cat disappointed that there are no fancy dress parties on National Cat Day

Wait, my human just told me there are no fancy-dress soirees for National Cat Day! It’s just a day for people to celebrate their cats, mostly at home! Well, that is a bit of a disappointment. On the other hand, I suppose most cats wouldn’t want to get dressed up and go out anyway. The official website for National Cat Day does have 20 fun ways to spend the day.

somali cat giving high five for National Cat Day

So… have a happy National Cat Day! I guess I’ll just be spending it at home.

* * *

See all of Summer’s merch at her Designercat Shop, available on Zazzle.

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